How to Refer & Apply for In-Home Care
Our skilled staff can quickly and easily get you set up with the in-home services you need.
Please fill out the form below or call us at 801.485.6166 or toll-free 877.840.6166.
Canyon Home Care & Hospice is a provider for hundreds of insurance panels. Our Benefits Coordinator will assist you in determining what your policy will and will not cover.
If you are a hospital, doctor’s office or discharge planner and wish to refer a patient to us for service,
Please call 801.485.6166, 24/7 or toll-free 877.840.6166
Our intake fax number is 1.888.334.3050 for your convenience. Typically, we can admit a patient within
24 hours or less of your call.
Thank you for trusting us with your patients.
Easiest Way to Get Started...
Call us at 801.485.6166 or toll-free 877.840.6166 or fill out the form below!
Our skilled staff can quickly and easily get you set up with the services you need.
...Below are things we may need when starting services
Name, Address and Patient Phone number, and
contact information for other designated caregiver -
Primary Care Physician contact information
Physician’s order with any special instructions and history & physical
List of Current Medications
Face to Face Documentation
Discharge Orders including Specific Orders required
(in advance when possible):-
Durable Medical Equipment orders and qualifying diagnosis
for O2 with Room Air sats within 48 hours of discharge -
Infusion orders and pharmacy prescriptions
Enteral Feeding orders and supplier
Diabetic Management orders, frequency, caregivers available
for assistance -
Wound Care orders & supplier
Coumadin orders & managing physician
With a physician’s order, we routinely coordinate pharmacy needs, DME, O2, Infusion, Enteral feedings, Diabetic and Wound care supplies etc. Advanced notice of a discharge is always helpful and appreciated.
Nursing Support Available 24 Hours a day / 7 Days a Week
Dial 801.485.6166 or Toll-free 877.840.6166 or Fax 1.888.334.3050